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Top Division III Soccer Schools?

Hey everyone, I've been playing soccer for most of my life and I'm considering playing in college at the Division III level. Do you guys have any suggestions for the best Division III soccer schools? Please share your recommendations or personal experiences if you have any!

10 months ago

There are several strong Division III soccer programs throughout the country. Here are some of the top choices for both men's and women's soccer, based on their competitiveness and success in recent years:

1. Messiah College (Grantham, PA) - Consistent powerhouse in both men's and women's soccer, with multiple national championships for both teams.

2. Tufts University (Medford, MA) - Another strong program for both men's and women's soccer. The men's team won national championships in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019.

3. Williams College (Williamstown, MA) - Highly competitive women's soccer program, with multiple national championships. The men's team is also competitive within the NESCAC conference.

4. Amherst College (Amherst, MA) - Strong soccer programs for both men and women, which have had deep runs in their respective NCAA tournaments.

5. Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) - Consistently strong programs in both men's and women's soccer, with impressive conference and national records.

6. University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) - Both the men's and women's teams have recently achieved success, with the women’s team advancing to the NCAA tournament multiple times in the past decade.

7. Middlebury College (Middlebury, VT) - Another NESCAC institution with highly competitive programs in both men's and women's soccer.

These are just a few examples of top Division III soccer schools that you might want to explore. When researching these schools, consider not only their soccer program but also the academics, campus culture, and location to make sure they align with your interests and goals, personally and academically as well as athletically. In the context of being a student-athlete, it's essential to find the right overall fit for you, especially at Division III schools where there will be more of a balance between your athletic pursuits and the other aspects of your college life. Good luck in your college search!

10 months ago

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