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Cal Poly SLO Construction Management program

Hi all! I'm considering majoring in construction management and I've heard good things about Cal Poly SLO. Anyone here familiar with the program? Can you tell me about the career opportunities and quality of classes?

10 months ago

Hello! Cal Poly SLO's Construction Management program is highly regarded in the industry, and you've made a great choice considering it as your major.

The program emphasizes hands-on experience and features a well-rounded curriculum that covers various aspects of construction management, such as estimating, bidding, planning, scheduling, and project management. Classes are often taught by experienced industry professionals, which gives students access to valuable insights from real-world situations.

One standout aspect of Cal Poly SLO's Construction Management program is the numerous opportunities for industry exposure through internships and co-op experiences. Many students complete internships during their time at Cal Poly, which can lead to job offers upon graduation. The school also has strong connections with construction companies, which further boosts the employment prospects for its graduates.

In terms of career opportunities, graduates from Cal Poly SLO's Construction Management program enjoy a high placement rate, often securing positions with top construction firms and contractors. The career prospects span across various sectors, including residential construction, commercial construction, heavy civil construction, and specialty construction.

Another important element contributing to the program's success is the active student involvement in industry-focused clubs and competitions. The school encourages its students to participate in various regional and national construction management competitions, which enables them to further develop their skills, network with industry professionals, and showcase their abilities.

Overall, Cal Poly SLO's Construction Management program is highly respected and provides students with a strong foundation in construction management principles. With a mix of hands-on experiences, rigorous coursework, industry connections, and competitive opportunities, you can expect a successful and fulfilling career in the construction management field after graduating from the program.

10 months ago

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