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Bowie State ranking?

Hey guys, I've been researching a few HBCUs and came across Bowie State University. What's its ranking in terms of academic quality and student life?

10 months ago

Bowie State University is a historically black college and university (HBCU) located in Bowie, Maryland. Keep in mind that rankings vary across different agencies and may not always provide the most accurate picture of a university's strengths. However, according to the U.S. News & World Report's 2024 Best Colleges list, Bowie State University ranks #130 among Regional Universities North and #46 among Top Public Schools in that same region.

When evaluating academic quality, it's important to consider factors such as the University's average class size, graduation rates, and resources available to students. Bowie State offers a strong academic foundation with a more intimate class setting, as the student-to-faculty ratio is 16:1. The university has various undergraduate and graduate programs, and some of its well-known programs are in areas like education, social work, and computer science.

In terms of student life, Bowie State offers a myriad of extracurricular activities, including various clubs, organizations, and Greek life. The campus has a strong sense of community, which is an important aspect of the HBCU experience. Additionally, the university values diversity and has a welcoming atmosphere.

However, it's essential to consider what factors are most important to you when comparing colleges, such as location, size, academic programs, and campus culture. If possible, visiting the campus, talking to current students, and exploring their programs in-depth can give you a better sense of whether Bowie State University might be the right fit for you.

10 months ago

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