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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Biology as a Physical Science?

Hey everyone! I have a question about biology: would you consider it part of the physical sciences or the life sciences? I'm trying to figure this out for my high school course choices, and I'd appreciate your input. Thanks!

11 months ago

Biology is typically considered a part of the life sciences, rather than the physical sciences. The life sciences, also known as the biological sciences, focus on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. Examples of life sciences subjects include biology, zoology, botany, and ecology.

On the other hand, physical sciences are concerned with the study of non-living systems and the laws governing them. Physical sciences generally consist of subjects like chemistry, physics, astronomy, and earth science. While biology does rely on some concepts from the physical sciences (such as some aspects of chemistry for understanding cellular processes), it is mainly classified under the life sciences umbrella.

11 months ago

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