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How's Harvard's theatre program?

Hello! I'm really into theatre and am considering it as a possible major or extracurricular at Harvard. Could anyone provide information on their theatre program and what the experiences of the students involved are like?

3 months ago

Hello! Harvard does not have a dedicated theater major, but they do offer a concentration called Theater, Dance, & Media (TDM), which combines these three disciplines into an interdisciplinary field of study. The TDM concentration focuses on the history, theory, and practice of theater and performance-related art forms, allowing students to explore different aspects of theater and develop their skills in the process.

In terms of extracurriculars, there is a vibrant theater scene on Harvard's campus. The American Repertory Theater (ART), located on campus, is a renowned professional theater company and offers students the opportunity to attend productions, workshops, and get involved in various ways. Additionally, the ART's Institute for Advanced Theater Training offers a graduate-level program for those interested in pursuing theater further.

Undergraduate students have ample opportunities to get involved in theater productions through various student-run organizations such as the Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club (HRDC), which produces multiple shows each semester, including plays and musicals. There are also smaller theater groups that cater to specific interests like sketch comedy, improv, and student-written productions.

Students involved in the theater community at Harvard report a positive and enriching experience. Many appreciate the variety of opportunities available to explore their interests, as well as the collaborations among students from different backgrounds. They also enjoy the support and resources provided by the university and the various theater organizations, which help them grow as artists and individuals.

Overall, Harvard offers a solid foundation for those who are passionate about theater and want to pursue it either academically or as an extracurricular activity. With the TDM concentration, professional connections through the ART, and the thriving student-run theater organizations, there's no shortage of opportunities to develop and showcase your talents in the dramatic arts.

3 months ago

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