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Lehigh University Political Science Program

Hello everyone! I'm considering Lehigh University as one of my top choices, specifically for their political science program. Can any current students or alumni elaborate on the quality of the program, the professors, and the opportunities it opens up for internships or research? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hey! Lehigh University has a well-regarded political science program that offers a great academic experience and numerous opportunities for its students. Here's a little more information on the subject:

1. Quality of the program: The political science major at Lehigh emphasizes the study of political institutions, processes, and behavior. A blend of theory and hands-on learning is a key element, which helps students develop a strong foundation in the subject. The program also offers a variety of courses that analyze the American political system, international relations, comparative politics, and political theory.

2. Professors: Lehigh faculty are highly experienced and knowledgeable in their respective fields, and many hold degrees from top institutions. They're dedicated to engaging students inside and outside of the classroom. With small class sizes, students have ample opportunities to interact with their professors, seek guidance, and gain valuable insights.

3. Opportunities: Lehigh offers a range of extracurricular opportunities for political science majors to enhance their skills and apply their knowledge in real-world settings. Some options include a semester-long Washington Semester program, which allows students to work in a politically-oriented internship while taking courses in the nation's capital. Additionally, there is the Lehigh-United Nations partnership, which offers unique educational and internship experiences associated with the UN. Research opportunities are also available through the department, as well as through the Office of Student Research.

4. Internships and research: Many political science majors secure internships with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, political campaigns, and think tanks, both during the academic year and over the summer. These internship experiences help cultivate practical skills and professional networks, which ultimately can help with future job prospects and graduate study applications.

Overall, Lehigh's political science program provides a strong foundation in the subject matter while also offering numerous opportunities for networking, research, and internships to enhance your resume and develop valuable skills for your future career.

10 months ago

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