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Dallas Christian College Sports Level

Hello everyone! I'm researching colleges and I'm interested in Dallas Christian College. I'd like to know if they compete at the D1 level for sports? I'm passionate about being involved in college sports, so this info is crucial for me. Anyone got any info on this? Appreciate it!

10 months ago

Hello! Dallas Christian College is an NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) institution and competes in the NAIA's Southwest Division. The school is not part of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), which is the organization that divides sports into D1, D2, and D3 levels. NAIA schools typically offer competitive sports at a level similar to NCAA D2 and D3.

Dallas Christian College offers a variety of sports for both men and women, such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. While the athletics may not be at the D1 level, attending an NAIA institution still offers the opportunity to be involved in college sports while also focusing on your academics.

I encourage you to visit the Dallas Christian College Athletics website and attend some games or interact with current student-athletes to get a better understanding of the sports culture and competitiveness at the school. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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