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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How large is PSU's main campus student population?

Penn State University has caught my attention, and I'm considering applying there. However, I'm curious about the size of the campus and the student population. Does anyone know how many students are at the PSU main campus?

10 months ago

Penn State University's main campus, also known as University Park, is indeed a large campus and has a sizable student population. As of Fall 2023, the undergraduate enrollment at University Park is around 46,000 students. In addition to the undergraduate population, there are approximately 1,789 graduate students, bringing the total student population at the main campus to around 47,789.

Having a diverse and substantial student body provides numerous academic and social opportunities. You'll find a wide variety of academic programs, clubs, and organizations, as well as a spirited social and athletic scene. Keep this in mind when considering whether PSU's campus size aligns with your college preferences and goals.

10 months ago

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