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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Size of LSU Student Body?

Hi everyone! I've been looking into Louisiana State University and I'm curious about the size of their student body. Does anyone know how large it is, and how does it affect the overall campus experience?

10 months ago

Hello there! Louisiana State University (LSU) has a sizable student body, with an enrollment of around 34,000 students, including both undergraduate and graduate students. It's important to remember that this number can fluctuate slightly from year to year.

Having a large student population affects the campus experience in a variety of ways. On the positive side, there is a diverse range of academic programs, extracurricular activities, and clubs available for you to explore your interests in depth. Additionally, attending a large university like LSU gives you ample opportunities to meet and interact with students from different backgrounds and perspectives. Sporting events, particularly LSU's football games, tend to draw massive crowds, creating an engaging and energetic atmosphere on campus.

However, there can be some challenges associated with attending a large university. Class sizes can be larger, particularly in introductory courses, which might make it harder for you to have one-on-one interactions with professors. However, many classes, especially upper-level courses, are likely to have smaller class sizes that facilitate more personalized interactions.

It's also worth noting that with a larger student body, it's crucial to proactively seek out resources and connections. This might involve frequent visits to office hours, engaging with the academic and career advising centers, or joining student organizations early on to forge a social support network during your college years.

Ultimately, whether the size of LSU's student body suits you depends on your individual preferences. Some students enjoy the opportunities and resources a large school provides, while others may prefer a smaller, more intimate setting. Spend some time visiting the campus, if possible, and try to talk to current students to get a better sense of whether LSU's size is a good fit for you.

10 months ago

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