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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Columbia University Location

Hey, everyone! I'm interested in learning more about Columbia University and its location. Can anyone tell me what the campus is like and how close it is to downtown Manhattan? I just wanna get a feel for the surrounding area and potential off-campus activities.

3 months ago

Columbia University is located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City. The campus itself is quite beautiful, with a mix of historic and modern buildings, lots of green spaces, and a picturesque setting. It has a traditional Ivy-League feel with attractive architecture and renowned landmarks such as Low Library and Butler Library.

Morningside Heights is a safe, vibrant neighborhood that's largely residential, with tree-lined streets, parks, and a mixture of brownstones, apartments, and historic buildings. The campus is a few blocks west of Central Park, making it nice for students who love to take a break and enjoy nature. The area around the campus has several cafés, restaurants, bookstores, and shops, catering to the student population.

Columbia is not in the heart of downtown Manhattan, but it's still quite accessible to the rest of the city. It's about a 25-30 minute subway ride to reach Midtown Manhattan. You can take the 1 train, which has a station just a few blocks from the campus, or other nearby subway lines to get around. The school offers a free shuttle service called the "Columbia Intercampus Shuttle," which provides transportation between the Morningside, Manhattanville, and Medical Center campuses, as well as other campus affiliated locations.

Being in New York City, students have no shortage of off-campus activities. You'll find countless museums, theaters, galleries, restaurants, and cultural events throughout the city. The nearby Upper West Side is home to iconic institutions like Lincoln Center, The American Museum of Natural History, and the New York Historical Society. Exploring different neighborhoods, attending Broadway shows, trying diverse cuisine, or going to free concerts and events in the parks would be just a few options for things to do.

In summary, Columbia University offers a beautiful campus setting in a safe and engaging neighborhood, while also providing convenient access to the countless opportunities available in New York City.

3 months ago

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