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Thoughts on religious studies at Columbia University?

Hey! I'm a junior and I'm really passionate about religious studies. I've heard that Columbia University has a great program in that area. Does anyone here have any thoughts or experience with their religious studies department? I would love to hear more about it, thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! I'm glad to hear that you're passionate about religious studies. Columbia University indeed has a strong religious studies department, known for its interdisciplinary approach to the subject. The program allows students to explore religions from around the world, with faculty who are experts in their respective fields.

The program offers a wide range of courses covering religious traditions, theology, ethics, and historical context. Students can also choose to focus on a specific religious tradition or subfield, such as Buddhism, Christianity, or new religious movements. The faculty members are known to be engaging and supportive, and fostering high-quality discussions.

Since Columbia also offers graduate programs in religious studies, undergraduates have the opportunity to learn from esteemed scholars and take graduate-level courses if they choose to do so. There is even a BA/MA track that allows you to begin working towards a Master's degree in religion during your senior year of undergrad.

The religion department at Columbia also encourages students to take advantage of resources outside the classroom, such as study abroad opportunities, internships, and research projects. The university's location in New York City is also a huge plus, as it provides access to a diverse array of religious communities, cultural institutions, and events related to religious studies.

Lastly, Columbia is known for its Core Curriculum requirements that expose all undergraduates to a broad range of subjects, including literature, history, philosophy, and science. The Core Curriculum can be an asset to your studies in religious studies by providing you with a solid grounding in various disciplines, and allowing you to make connections between different fields.

In summary, Columbia University's religious studies program is well-regarded for its academic rigor, intellectual diversity, and engaging faculty. Studying religious studies at Columbia would undoubtedly provide you with top-notch resources, global perspectives, and opportunities for personal and academic growth.

If you end up applying to Columbia and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: After all, Columbia is a highly selective institution, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguishes one talented applicant from another.

Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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