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UC Davis Clinical Lab Science Program - opinions?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior in high school and have started researching colleges. UC Davis has caught my attention for their Clinical Lab Science Program. Can anyone share their experiences or insights on this program? Like, what's the coursework, internship opportunities, and how is the overall environment at UC Davis? Thanks in advance for any help!

10 months ago

Hey there! UC Davis has a strong Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) program that prepares students for a career in medical laboratory work and research. The program offers a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science, which is a combination of coursework and hands-on internships. The coursework includes a solid foundation in the sciences, such as biology, chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, and microbiology. Additionally, you'll be taking classes in lab management, clinical chemistry, and molecular diagnostics.

One of the key aspects of the UC Davis CLS program is the practical training. During the program, you'll be required to complete a clinical internship at one of the affiliated hospitals or medical laboratory facilities in California. This experience will give you the chance to apply your knowledge and skills in a real-life setting while working alongside healthcare professionals. The program has strong connections to labs and hospitals throughout the state, which can lead to internship opportunities and a network of professional contacts in the field.

As for the overall environment at UC Davis, it's well-regarded for its supportive campus community and collaborative atmosphere. Students often find themselves working together in study groups and pursuing joint research projects, which fosters a sense of camaraderie. The campus is also known for its commitment to sustainability and vast green spaces, making it an inviting place to live and learn.

Moreover, UC Davis has a wide variety of clubs and organizations related to the CLS field, such as the Medical Laboratory Assisting Club, which provides additional opportunities for networking, professional development, and hands-on experience. The university also hosts career fairs, workshops, and seminars, allowing students to learn more about job prospects and potential employers in the clinical laboratory science field.

Overall, the UC Davis CLS program offers rigorous coursework, valuable internship opportunities, and a supportive campus environment, making it an excellent choice for pursuing a career in clinical laboratory science.

10 months ago

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