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Looking for top dance schools in NJ. Any suggestions?

I'm a junior and an aspiring dancer, and I want to find a college with a great dance program in New Jersey. Any recommendations on top dance schools in the area? Any advice on the audition process?

10 months ago

There are several colleges in New Jersey with strong dance programs that you can explore. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Montclair State University: Montclair State University offers a BFA in Dance program, with opportunities to specialize in different styles, as well as choreography and teaching certification options. You'll have access to professional faculty and state-of-the-art facilities.

2. Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts: Rutgers offers a BFA in Dance that provides comprehensive training in ballet, modern, and contemporary dance. The program emphasizes rigorous technique and performance opportunities, while also incorporating choreography, teaching, and dance theory.

3. Rowan University: Rowan University offers a BA in Dance program that features versatile training in various dance styles, including modern, ballet, and cultural dance styles. The focus is on technique, performance, choreography, and integrating dance into community and educational settings.

4. Georgian Court University: GCU offers a BA and minor in Dance, with an emphasis on technique, performance, composition, and academic studies in dance theory and history.

As for the audition process, here are some general tips to help you prepare:

1. Research each program's audition requirements: Each school may have specific requirements for your audition, such as particular styles, techniques, or a solo performance. Make sure you understand and prepare for these requirements thoroughly.

2. Plan ahead: Give yourself plenty of time to practice your audition routine, whether it includes specific choreography provided by the school or if it's your own composition. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable during the audition.

3. Dress appropriately: Ensure you're dressed professionally for your audition, following any dress code requirements provided by the school. Generally, you'll want to wear form-fitting dance attire that allows for unrestricted movement and showcases your technique.

4. Bring any necessary documentation: Some schools may require you to bring a headshot, resume, or other documents to the audition. Make sure to have those materials prepared and organized beforehand.

5. Be prepared to answer questions in an interview: In addition to your dance audition, you may be asked questions about your experience, goals, and why you're interested in the program. Be prepared to provide thoughtful answers and showcase your passion for dance.

Lastly, remember that a successful audition is not just about showcasing your talent—it's also about demonstrating your work ethic, dedication, and commitment to continued growth as a dancer. Good luck!

10 months ago

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