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Where can I study photojournalism?

I'm really passionate about photography and journalism, so I'd like to pursue a degree in photojournalism. Are there any reputable masters programs or colleges that offer this major? Curious to learn more about the programs available and the potential career opportunities.

10 months ago

I'm glad to see that you're passionate about photojournalism and looking to pursue a degree in this field! There are several reputable colleges and universities that offer programs in photojournalism, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. Here are a few schools to consider:

1. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) - RIT's School of Photographic Arts and Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Photographic and Imaging Arts, with a concentration in Photojournalism. You can further specialize in visual media, sports, and documentary photography.

2. Missouri School of Journalism - The University of Missouri's School of Journalism is one of the oldest and most respected in the United States. They offer both a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master of Arts in Journalism, with an emphasis on photojournalism and documentary journalism.

3. Western Kentucky University (WKU) - WKU's School of Media has a strong program in photojournalism, offering a Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism as well as Photojournalism minor for those who wish to supplement their studies in another field.

4. Newhouse School of Communications - Based at Syracuse University, the Newhouse School of Communications offers a Bachelor of Science in Photography, which includes coursework in photojournalism, and a Master of Arts in Visual Communication with an emphasis on multimedia, photography, and video journalism.

5. Ohio University - Ohio University's School of Visual Communication offers a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication with a specialization in Photojournalism, and a Master of Arts in Visual Communication Management, where you can focus on photojournalism.

Upon graduating from a photojournalism program, career opportunities within the field include working as a staff photographer at newspapers, magazines, or news agencies, freelance photojournalist, documentary photographer, multimedia producer, and more. Some graduates also find positions in communication, marketing, or the non-profit sectors.

It's essential to research and compare these programs in more detail, considering factors such as faculty, facilities, internship opportunities, and alumni success to help you determine the best fit for your career goals and interests. Be sure to also visit the websites of these schools for more specific information on admission requirements, deadlines, and portfolio requirements. Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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