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Top 10 Best Lacrosse Colleges?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school, and lacrosse is a big part of my life. I would like to continue playing in college, so I was wondering what would be the top 10 best lacrosse colleges in terms of both academics and athletics? Thank you!

10 months ago

Hi there! It's great to see that you're passionate about lacrosse and want to continue playing in college. Here's a list, in no particular order, of some of the top colleges in terms of both academic excellence and strong lacrosse programs:

1. Duke University: A prestigious university with a consistently competitive Division I men's and women's lacrosse teams.

2. University of Notre Dame: Known for its strong academics and consistently strong men's lacrosse team that consistently ranks high in NCAA Division I.

3. Johns Hopkins University: A top-tier school with a rich lacrosse history and highly competitive Division I men's and women's lacrosse programs.

4. Princeton University: An Ivy League institution that has consistently strong Division I lacrosse programs for both men and women.

5. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Another academically strong school with very successful Division I lacrosse programs in both men's and women's teams.

6. Syracuse University: A strong academic institution with a rich lacrosse tradition and consistently top-ranked Division I men's and women's programs.

7. University of Maryland, College Park: Excellent academics and very competitive Division I lacrosse teams, with both the men's and women's teams regularly ranking high.

8. University of Virginia: A public Ivy school with excellent academics and strong men's and women's lacrosse programs that consistently rank high in the NCAA Division I.

9. Yale University: Another Ivy League school that offers top academics and a competitive Division I men's lacrosse program.

10. Loyola University Maryland: A highly ranked regional university known for its men's lacrosse program, which has excelled over the years in NCAA Division I.

Keep in mind that the college experience is more than just academics and athletics. It's essential to visit the campuses, if possible, and get a sense of the environment, coaches, teammates, and other factors that may influence your decision. Best of luck in the college search and your future lacrosse endeavors!

10 months ago

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