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Long Island University Occupational Therapy Program

Hey everyone! I've been considering occupational therapy as a major, and I heard that Long Island University has a good program. Does anyone have any experience or insight about LIU's occupational therapy program? What are the pros and cons?

10 months ago

Hey there! While I don't have personal experience with LIU's occupational therapy program, I can still give you some insights I've gathered from others.


1. Curriculum: The program is well-structured, with a strong emphasis on clinical skills, theory, and research. This combination ensures you'll be well-prepared for a career in OT after graduation.

2. Faculty: Many students praise the dedicated, experienced faculty who are often working OTs themselves. They're passionate about the field and bring real-world experience to the classroom.

3. Hands-on experience: LIU's occupational therapy program offers fieldwork opportunities throughout the curriculum. Being located in the New York area, there are many chances to work in various settings, such as hospitals and medical clinics.

4. Resources: LIU has extensive resources and facilities catering to OT students, including well-equipped labs and simulation centers.


1. Cost: LIU is a private institution, and tuition can be quite expensive for some students. Make sure you explore financial aid and scholarship options to help offset the cost.

2. Rigor: The program is demanding and requires commitment, especially with balancing practical experiences and academic coursework simultaneously. Be prepared for a heavy workload.

3. Location: LIU's Brooklyn and Post campuses might not be suitable for everyone, especially if you prefer a more suburban or rural setting. However, the urban environment does provide ample opportunities for field placements.

Ultimately, whether LIU's occupational therapy program is right for you depends on your personal preferences, goals, and financial situation. Make sure to visit their website, attend virtual info sessions, and try connecting with current students or alumni to get a better sense of the program from those who have experienced it firsthand. Good luck in your search!

10 months ago

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