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UMN Construction Management

I'm considering UMN as a possible college option, and I've become interested in construction management. How is the program there? Does it have a strong reputation and good job placement stats after graduation?

10 months ago

UMN, or the University of Minnesota, offers a strong construction management program through its College of Continuing and Professional Studies. The program has a good reputation and is well-regarded by industry professionals. The curriculum covers various aspects of construction management, including project management, cost estimation, safety, quality control, and legal aspects.

It's worth noting that the program emphasizes hands-on learning and real-world experience. Students have opportunities to participate in internships and cooperative work experiences with leading construction companies, allowing them to apply classroom learnings to actual projects. This practical experience is of great value for students and contributes to their success in the job market after graduation.

Regarding job placement stats, UMN graduates from the construction management program have a high rate of securing full-time positions in the construction industry. Many students receive job offers even before graduation, thanks to the strong network of industry connections and potential employers the program maintains. Additionally, the program's Career Services Office helps students with job search resources, resume reviews, and interview preparation.

In summary, the construction management program at UMN has a strong reputation and offers excellent job placement opportunities. With its comprehensive curriculum and emphasis on hands-on learning, students can expect to graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the construction industry.

10 months ago

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