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Economics at UMass Amherst - thoughts?

Hi there, I'm thinking of applying to UMass Amherst for their economics program. Does anyone here have first-hand experience with the program? How are the professors, coursework, and post-grad opportunities?

10 months ago

I've heard a lot of positive things about the economics program at UMass Amherst. While I don't have first-hand experience, I can share some general insights gathered from students who have attended the program.

UMass Amherst has a well-regarded economics program that offers a good mix of theory and applied economics courses. The department is known for its focus on heterodox economic theories, which provide alternative perspectives to mainstream economic thought. This can be very appealing if you're interested in exploring different approaches to economics.

Many students have praised the professors at UMass Amherst for their knowledge and passion for the subject, as well as their accessibility and willingness to help students outside of class. Of course, as with any university, experiences may vary, and you'll likely find a mix of both challenging and supportive professors.

The coursework is rigorous and will require a strong foundation in math. Students have reported that the program does a good job preparing them for graduate school or a career in economics. There are opportunities to get involved in research, work with professors, or even pursue internships outside of the university for practical experience. These opportunities can help strengthen your résumé and make connections in the field.

Post-graduation, UMass Amherst economics graduates have gone on to pursue careers in various sectors, including finance, consulting, public policy, and academia. The university's location in Massachusetts is well-situated for making professional connections and accessing internship and job opportunities in nearby cities like Boston.

Overall, UMass Amherst's economics program has a solid reputation and could be a great choice if you're seeking a program with a diverse range of economic theories and a strong emphasis on both theoretical and applied learning. It's essential to visit the campus and make your own assessment based on your personal preferences and career goals. Good luck!

10 months ago

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