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University of Tennessee animal science program?

Hey everyone, I'm considering majoring in Animal Science and the University of Tennessee is on my list of potential schools. Can anyone provide some insight into their animal science program? Thank you in advance!

10 months ago

Hi there!

The University of Tennessee (UT) has a well-regarded Animal Science program within their College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The program emphasizes a strong foundation in the biological and physical sciences in combination with hands-on experiences and research opportunities. This helps prepare students for a variety of career paths, including veterinary medicine, animal nutrition, animal breeding, and animal management.

One of the strengths of UT's Animal Science program is their commitment to experiential learning. Students have access to a range of facilities, including a dairy farm, beef and sheep center, horse farm, swine research unit, and a companion animal center. These facilities provide great opportunities for students to gain practical experience working with different animal species right on campus.

The program offers four concentrations for students to focus on their area of interest: Animal Industries, Bioscience, Production, and Veterinary Science. This allows students to tailor their education to their desired career path. Additionally, the Veterinary Science concentration is designed to help students meet prerequisites for veterinary school, should that be their goal.

Research is another aspect where the Animal Science program at UT excels. Faculty members are involved in research projects focused on improving animal health, nutrition, and productivity. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to participate in research projects, allowing them to gain valuable experience and to work closely with faculty members who can become great mentors and resources.

Overall, the University of Tennessee's Animal Science program is reputable and provides numerous opportunities for students to learn and grow within the field. The hands-on learning experiences, variety of concentrations, and research opportunities are key features that make this program stand out.

I hope this information helps with your decision-making process! Good luck!

10 months ago

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