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Johnson & Wales NC Athletics?

Hello everyone! Does anyone have any information about the athletics program at Johnson & Wales' North Carolina campus? Are there any club or intramural sports that I could get involved in if I don't make a varsity team?

10 months ago

Johnson & Wales University's North Carolina campus offers a variety of athletic opportunities for students. Though the varsity athletic program is not as extensive as larger universities, they do offer a select number of sports teams, like basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and track & field. You can find the full list of specific sports offered on the university's athletics website.

In addition to varsity sports, Johnson & Wales also provides club sports and intramural leagues that cater to a wider range of interests and skill levels. Club sports are typically student-led teams that compete against other colleges and universities in the area. These are a great option for students who are still competitive but prefer a more relaxed atmosphere than varsity sports.

Intramural sports are another excellent option for students who want to stay active and involved without the high-level commitment and competition that comes with varsity or club sports. Intramural leagues generally consist of teams made up of other students, faculty, and staff from the university, and they often have a more recreational focus. They offer a broad range of sports, like basketball, soccer, and flag football, among others. Keep in mind that intramural offerings can vary year to year depending on student interest.

I recommend reaching out to the Johnson & Wales athletics department or checking their website for the most up-to-date information on their sports offerings, specific club and intramural teams, and any requirements for participation. Additionally, attend club and involvement fairs during the orientation week or at the beginning of each semester to learn more about the available sports opportunities and connect with other student-athletes.

10 months ago

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