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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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YSU Location Information

Hey guys, I've come across YSU in my college search, and I want to know more about its location. Can anyone help me out with that?

9 months ago

Hey there! I'd be happy to provide some information on Youngstown State University's (YSU) location. YSU is located in Youngstown, Ohio. Youngstown is a mid-sized city situated halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh, which are both about 65 miles away. This gives students access to the amenities, events, and job opportunities that come with being near larger metropolitan areas while also offering the benefits of a smaller and more affordable city setting.

The city itself has a rich history of steel manufacturing, which has left a lasting impact on its culture and economic development. In recent years, Youngstown has been focusing on revitalization, and the downtown area around the campus boasts various restaurants, cafes, shops, and locally-owned businesses. Additionally, the Youngstown area offers several parks, museums, and theaters, providing many cultural and recreational opportunities for students.

One popular spot within the city is Mill Creek Park, which offers scenic trails, gardens, and recreational areas perfect for those who love spending time outdoors. The scenic park, stretching over 2,882 acres, also features waterfalls, lakes, and various events throughout the year.

Overall, YSU's location offers a balance between a smaller city feel and access to larger metropolitan areas, giving students plenty of options for both on-campus and off-campus experiences.

9 months ago

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