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English Department at Bryn Mawr College

Hello there, I'm really interested in studying English at Bryn Mawr College. Can anyone who studies or has studied English at Bryn Mawr share their experiences? How are the faculty, course offerings, and opportunities for research or internships? Would love to hear your insight!

9 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're considering studying English at Bryn Mawr College. Although I haven't personally studied there, I can share some general information about the English department that may help you get a better understanding of what to expect.

The English department at Bryn Mawr College is known for its strong faculty who are dedicated to both teaching and research. Many are accomplished scholars, authors, and well-regarded within their fields, which means you'll have the opportunity to learn from experts in various areas of literary studies. The small class sizes lead to an intimate, personalized learning environment, in which you can closely engage with faculty and other students.

Regarding course offerings, Bryn Mawr's English department offers a diverse range of courses that span from the classical to the contemporary, by covering topics on literature, theory, and creative writing. Studying at Bryn Mawr also provides you with access to courses at nearby institutions Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and University of Pennsylvania through the Quaker Consortium, which can enhance your overall academic experience by giving you access to professors who may specialize in areas that Bryn Mawr's faculty members don't cover.

Research opportunities are definitely out there for English majors. Many students work closely with faculty on meaningful research projects and can even co-author papers or present their work at conferences. Some students also take advantage of summer research funding, which allows them to work on independent projects under the guidance of faculty mentors.

As for internships, Bryn Mawr students have access to a wide array of opportunities. The Career & Civic Engagement Office (CCEC) can help you secure internships in areas like publishing, journalism, teaching, and more. Moreover, Bryn Mawr students are encouraged to participate in the annual Tri-Co Philly Program, a semester-long off-campus program in Philadelphia for students who wish to explore the relationship between academics and practical experience through internships and seminars.

In summary, the English department at Bryn Mawr College provides a well-rounded and engaging experience for students. You'll find robust course offerings, dedicated faculty, and ample research and internship opportunities. If you think you want to apply to Bryn Mawr and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essay prompts:

Best of luck in your college search!

9 months ago

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