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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of San Francisco Demographics

Can someone provide information on the University of San Francisco's student demographics? Like, diversity in terms of ethnicity, gender, and geographic locations? I want to get a sense of the student body before applying.

9 months ago

Sure! The University of San Francisco (USF) is known for its diverse student body, which is reflected in the demographics of its undergraduate students. Here's a breakdown based on the latest available data:


- 32.2% White

- 26.5% Asian

- 16.3% Hispanic / Latinx

- 3.6% Black / African American

- 0.7% Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander

- 0.2% American Indian / Alaskan Native

- 3.6% Two or more races

- 16.8% International students


- 62% Female

- 38% Male

Geographic distribution (for domestic students):

- 61% In-state (California)

- 39% Out-of-state

The diversity at USF is evident not only in terms of ethnicity and gender but also in terms of the geographic locations of the students. USF is known for its commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment, and the university's diverse student population contributes to a rich cultural experience on campus.

I hope this information helps you get a better understanding of the University of San Francisco's student body. It's definitely important to consider the campus community and environment as part of your decision-making process when applying to colleges. Best of luck with your application!

9 months ago

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