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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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WWU student population?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Western Washington University and was wondering about its student population size. Can anyone give me an idea of what the campus community is like, and how big the classes typically are?

9 months ago

Hey! Western Washington University (WWU) has a moderate-sized student population, with approximately 16,000 students enrolled, including both undergraduates and graduate students.

As for class sizes, WWU has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18:1, which means that you can generally expect relatively small class sizes that allow for personalized interactions with professors and fellow students, especially in upper-division courses. In introductory or general education courses, you might find larger class sizes, but they usually become smaller as you progress in your chosen major. The further along you get, the more opportunities you’ll have for collaboration, discussion, and academic support, which will all enhance your academic experience.

Overall, the WWU campus community is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Students often report that they find a strong sense of belonging, and there are numerous clubs and organizations that cater to a wide range of interests, which help students connect with like-minded peers. Additionally, the city of Bellingham, where WWU is located, is known for being an open-minded, outdoorsy town, which welcomes people of all stripes. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

9 months ago

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