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accounting rutgers

Hello! I'm looking into the accounting program at Rutgers University and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it. How is the program overall, and what kind of job placement or networking opportunities are available?

9 months ago

Hello! Rutgers University has a solid reputation for its accounting program. It is offered through the Rutgers Business School, which is well-regarded in the business world. The accounting program is rigorous and covers a wide range of topics, preparing students for various careers within the field.

In terms of job placement and networking opportunities, Rutgers has a dedicated Office of Career Management that offers specialized support for business students. They host numerous events throughout the year, including career fairs, workshops, and networking events, where students can connect with alumni and professionals in the field. Many top accounting firms, including the Big Four, actively recruit Rutgers accounting graduates, which is a testament to the quality of the program.

Additionally, the university's location in New Jersey provides relatively easy access to major financial hubs, such as New York City and Philadelphia, making it an ideal place to build your professional network.

The student organizations at Rutgers Business School, such as the Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi (honorary organization for accounting, finance, and information systems students), also provide excellent opportunities to network and collaborate with fellow students and industry professionals.

Overall, the accounting program at Rutgers University has a strong curriculum and offers ample resources that help students in achieving successful job placements and building valuable professional networks.

9 months ago

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