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Civil Engineering program at UNM?

Hi! I'm looking into the civil engineering program at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Anyone here have any knowledge or personal experience with it? I'm curious about the quality of education and any unique aspects of the program. Thanks a bunch!

9 months ago

Hey! While I don't have personal experience with UNM's civil engineering program, I can still provide some information about it. The civil engineering program at UNM is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, which is a good sign of the program's quality. They offer a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) degree, with courses covering various sub-disciplines such as construction engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water resource engineering. This variety ensures that you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the field.

The program also emphasizes experiential learning and hands-on experiences. You'll likely participate in team-based capstone projects during your senior year, allowing you to apply the knowledge and skills you've learned throughout the program. These projects often involve collaboration with local industry partners, giving you real-world experience and a chance to network before graduation.

UNM's civil engineering program also provides research opportunities for undergraduates. They have numerous faculty members with research expertise in various areas, such as earthquake resilience, sustainable infrastructure, and urban water systems, giving you the chance to explore your interests and work on potentially groundbreaking projects.

Additionally, UNM has student chapters of professional organizations like the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Joining these organizations can provide valuable networking opportunities and help you develop professional connections even before you enter the workforce.

If you're looking for information from those with personal experiences, I'd highly recommend reaching out to current UNM students or alumni through social media or platforms like LinkedIn. They can provide valuable insight into the program's culture, workload, and other aspects that are harder to glean from official websites.

Overall, UNM's civil engineering program seems to offer a strong foundation for students looking to pursue careers in this field. With a variety of courses, research opportunities, and professional connections available, you'll likely receive a well-rounded education.

9 months ago

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