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Top film colleges in New Jersey?

Hi everyone! I'm looking into pursuing a film degree and would really like to stay in New Jersey. Can anyone recommend some good film colleges in the state? Would appreciate any suggestions!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's wonderful that you're interested in pursuing a film degree in New Jersey. I'm happy to provide you with a few options to consider. Here are some colleges in New Jersey with strong film programs:

1. Montclair State University: Montclair State offers a Bachelor of Arts in Filmmaking, which focuses on both the creative and technical aspects of the field. Students get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment, gain access to faculty with vast experience in the industry, and have opportunities to participate in collaborations with other programs, such as theater and animation.

2. Rutgers University-New Brunswick: Rutgers offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Filmmaking. The program exposes students to various aspects of filmmaking, including directing, cinematography, editing, screenwriting, and sound design. It also encourages interdisciplinary collaborations and emphasizes both narrative and experimental practices. The Mason Gross School of the Arts, located on the New Brunswick campus, is renowned for its arts programs.

3. Fairleigh Dickinson University: Their Bachelor of Arts in Film and Animation program allows students to explore both film production and animation techniques. The program focuses on storytelling and visual aesthetics, offering concentrations in Film Production, Animation, and Game Design (Film/Video emphasis).

4. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ): TCNJ offers a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a specialization in Digital Filmmaking and Television. Although the program is broader than a dedicated film major, students in this program have the opportunity to develop their filmmaking and storytelling skills through courses directly related to film production.

As you research these colleges, ensure you visit their websites, attend information sessions, and, if possible, visit the campuses. This way, you can get a better feel for the courses, faculty, facilities, and overall atmosphere to determine which program best aligns with your goals.

Best of luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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