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Strong Engineering Programs in Louisiana?

Hey fellow applicants, I'm a junior focusing on engineering programs, specifically electrical or computer engineering. I've been considering schools in Louisiana and I was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations on which universities have strong engineering programs in the state?

9 months ago

Greetings! Louisiana has some excellent options when it comes to engineering programs, specifically for electrical and computer engineering. Here are a few notable universities with strong engineering programs in the state:

1. Louisiana State University (LSU) - LSU's College of Engineering is one of the largest engineering colleges in Louisiana, and offers a wide range of disciplines. Its Division of Electrical & Computer Engineering is well-regarded and offers solid programs in both electrical and computer engineering, with opportunities for research and hands-on experience.

2. Tulane University - While Tulane is primarily known for its liberal arts education, its School of Science and Engineering also offers a well-regarded engineering program. Tulane's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science focuses on interdisciplinary research and collaboration with other departments, to provide students with a diverse range of learning opportunities.

3. University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) - ULL's College of Engineering houses the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, which emphasizes industry collaborations and research opportunities, to ensure that students have the chance to work on real-world projects even while still in undergrad.

4. Louisiana Tech University - Louisiana Tech's College of Engineering and Science is well-known for its strong engineering programs, including electrical and computer engineering, which can be pursued within the Electrical Engineering program. Louisiana Tech is also known for its emphasis on research, innovation, and applied learning, which creates a robust overall engineering experience for students.

Each of these universities has its unique strengths and offerings in electrical and computer engineering. I'd recommend taking some time to explore their websites, visit the campuses (if possible), and communicate with current students or alumni to get a comprehensive understanding of each school's engineering programs and overall environment. Ultimately, you want to be sure you choose an institution where you'll thrive personally as well as academically.

Finally, if you're looking for ways to maximize your chances of acceptance to an electrical or computer engineering program, check out this list of summer programs related to engineering on CollegeVine's blog: Many of them allow you to specialize in the subfield of engineering that's most interesting to you, and college admissions officers always like to see that you're making the effort to pursue your interests outside the classroom as well.

Good luck with your search!

9 months ago

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