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FSU's urban and regional planning program?

Hey guys, I've recently become interested in urban and regional planning as a possible major. I'm considering FSU, but I'm not sure how their program is. Has anyone here studied that at FSU or have any insights on it? Thanks for your help!

9 months ago

Hey! Florida State University has a reputable urban and regional planning program. It's offered through their Department of Urban and Regional Planning in the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. Their program emphasizes collaborative learning and critical thinking, which are essential skills in the field of urban planning.

The curriculum explores topics like land use policy, environmental management, economic development, and community engagement. In addition to the theoretical concepts, FSU's program is known for its focus on practical experience—students have multiple opportunities to engage in real-world projects through internships, practicum courses, and even international study abroad experiences. This hands-on approach allows you to apply what you've learned in the classroom to actual planning scenarios, which can be quite valuable when you enter the job market.

Additionally, FSU's urban and regional planning faculty is quite diverse, with a wide range of expertises, research interests, and industry experience. This gives you the opportunity to delve into various aspects of urban and regional planning and find an area that truly matches your passion.

One more thing to note is that FSU is located in the state capital, Tallahassee, which offers a unique perspective on urban planning, as it combines the influences of a college town, a flourishing business sector, and a government hub. This mix can provide some exciting and insightful experiences for students in the program.

Overall, if you're considering FSU for urban and regional planning, it seems like a solid choice. I recommend that you reach out to current students or alumni of the program to get their perspective and any insider tips on making the most of your time there. Good luck!

9 months ago

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