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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on FIDM's LA location?

Hi guys! I'm considering attending FIDM's Los Angeles campus. I want to know more about the area around the campus (safety, accessibility, social life). Any input would be helpful. Thanks!

9 months ago

The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) Los Angeles campus is located in Downtown LA, which is an urban setting with plenty of options for shopping, dining, and entertainment. The area has undergone significant revitalization in recent years, resulting in a mix of historic buildings with modern architecture and public spaces.

In terms of safety, it's important to remain vigilant and cautious, especially during late hours. Keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings when walking around. Just like any other big city, the level of safety can vary by neighborhood, so always use common sense and trust your instincts.

Accessibility is pretty good around the FIDM campus. You'll find a variety of public transportation options available, such as buses and the Metro rail system. Using public transportation can help you get around the city easily, though you may also find it convenient to have a car or bike. Additionally, the campus is close to the LA Live complex and the Staples Center, offering more entertainment options and social activities.

For social life, FIDM's LA campus is in a vibrant, bustling area, which means there are plenty of opportunities to connect with other students and build a social network. Nearby neighborhoods like Little Tokyo, the Arts District, and Koreatown offer diverse dining, shopping, and cultural experiences to enjoy. FIDM also has various clubs and organizations, so you can engage with your peers outside of the classroom.

Overall, FIDM's Los Angeles location provides a dynamic and lively environment for students interested in fashion, design, and merchandising. As with any urban campus, being aware of your surroundings and walking with confidence will contribute to a safer and more enjoyable experience.

9 months ago

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