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Athletics at College of the Ozarks?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior and I've been checking out College of the Ozarks. Can anyone share info about the college's athletics division and focus on sports? I'd love to learn more. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey there! College of the Ozarks, located in Point Lookout, Missouri, is an NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) Division II institution, and maintaining sports as a part of their student life is definitely a priority. The athletics department offers a range of varsity sports and goes by the nickname "Bobcats." They compete in the Association of Independent Institutions conference.

The college offers the following varsity sports for men: baseball, basketball, cross country, and track and field. For women, they provide basketball, cross country, cheer, track and field, and volleyball. The athletics program at College of the Ozarks is respected and has seen successful seasons over the years in various sports.

While it's not an NCAA Division I school with a significant emphasis on sports, the athletics department at College of the Ozarks is active, and student-athletes are vested members of the campus community. If sports are essential to you, but you're also looking for a college with a strong work-study program, the College of the Ozarks might be a great fit.

To learn more about the athletic programs and to get a feel for the student-athlete life at College of the Ozarks, I recommend browsing their athletics website, reaching out to the athletics department or coaching staff for any specific inquiries, and visiting the campus (if possible) to watch a game or meet with current athletes. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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