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Marymount Manhattan College Ranking

I've been looking into Marymount Manhattan College, but I can't find much information on their overall ranking. Can anyone help me out here? How does this school rank compared to others?

9 months ago

Marymount Manhattan College (MMC) is a small liberal arts college located in New York City. Rankings will vary depending on the source you consider, as different organizations use different methodologies to evaluate schools. Keep in mind that rankings are just one way to assess a college, and they might not give a comprehensive view of the educational experience offered at a particular institution.

That being said, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2024 rankings, MMC is ranked #174 in National Liberal Arts Colleges. It's important to remember that rankings aren't everything, and the best college for you will depend on your own personal preferences, academic interests, and the environment you're looking for.

In terms of academic programs, Marymount Manhattan College offers a variety of majors in liberal arts and sciences, including business, communication and media arts, fine and performing arts, humanities, and social sciences. The school is particularly known for their strong programs in performing arts, particularly theater and dance, and provides students with opportunities to take advantage of their New York City location through internships and networking.

When evaluating a college, it's important to consider factors beyond rankings such as the academic programs that interest you, campus culture, class size and student-to-faculty ratio, location, and financial aid packages. Additionally, visiting the campus (in person or virtually) and talking to current students can provide a more accurate sense of what MMC has to offer and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.

9 months ago

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