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Simpson University Sports Scene

Hey y'all! Can someone please shed some light on the sports scene at Simpson University? Are they known for any particular sport? And how involved are students in attending and participating in sports events?

9 months ago

Hello! Simpson University is an NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) school located in Redding, California, and they compete primarily in the California Pacific Conference (Cal Pac), although some teams compete in the Cascade Collegiate Conference. They offer a variety of sports programs, both for men and women.

Some of the athletic programs available for men at Simpson University include baseball, basketball, cross country, soccer, wrestling, and more. For women, they offer programs in basketball, cross country, soccer, softball, volleyball, and others. While Simpson University may not necessarily be known for a single standout sport, they have competitive teams across various sports with dedicated athletes who are passionate about their respective games.

In terms of student involvement, much like any other university, the attendance and participation in sports events can vary from game to game or season to season. However, attending sporting events can be an enjoyable way for students to show their school spirit, engage with their peers, and support their fellow student-athletes. It's also a great opportunity for creating a sense of camaraderie and bonding within the community.

To get a feel for the sports scene at Simpson University, I recommend checking out their athletic website or social media profiles to stay updated on game schedules, news, and event coverage. Attending games and meeting the athletes themselves will also give you an authentic insight into the school's sports culture. Go Red Hawks!

9 months ago

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