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Electrical Engineering at Harvard?

Hello! I'm a current junior in high school, and I'm interested in electrical and computer engineering (ECE). Does anyone know about the opportunities for ECE at Harvard? How's the program, and what kind of internships or research opportunities are available? I'm stressed about making the right choice. Any help is appreciated!

9 months ago

Hi! It's understandable that you're stressed about making the right choice, but rest assured, Harvard offers excellent opportunities for students interested in electrical and computer engineering (ECE). One of the key strengths of studying ECE at Harvard for you personally is that SEAS offers a combined Electrical Engineering and Computer Science concentration, which allows you to combine these subjects seamlessly. You can further personalize your curriculum by choosing from an extensive array of elective courses catering to your specific interests, to build upon the foundation in computer science, physics, and materials science that the program's core requirements will give you.

As for research opportunities, Harvard has a strong emphasis on undergraduate involvement in cutting-edge research projects. There are numerous labs and research groups within SEAS that focus on different aspects of electrical engineering and computer science, from nanotechnology to robotics to information and communications technology. You can participate in research through independent study, summer research programs, or as a research assistant during the academic year.

Regarding internships, Harvard has a vast alumni network and strong industry connections that can offer you numerous opportunities at established companies and startups alike. The Office of Career Services (OCS) will help you find internships and navigate the job market through resume reviews, career advising, and job fairs. Furthermore, as a Harvard student, you’ll have access to many exclusive internships and co-op programs.

In sum, Harvard's Electrical Engineering program provides a strong foundation, interdisciplinary approach, and access to research and internship opportunities that can set you up for long-term success. While it can be stressful making these choices, it's important to objectively consider the environment and available resources, and Harvard has a lot to offer in the ECE field.

If you do end up applying to Harvard, and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: After all, Harvard is one of the most selective institutions in the world, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguishes one talented applicant from another. Best of luck with your college search and future ECE pursuits!

9 months ago

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