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Key math concepts to know for the ACT?

Yo! I'm trying to get a list together of the most important math concepts to study for the ACT. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge about what I should focus on? I appreciate any advice you can give me!

9 months ago

Hey there! The ACT Math section covers a variety of topics, so it's best to be familiar with a wide range of concepts to be prepared. Here's a list of key math concepts you should focus on:

1. Pre-Algebra:

- Basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

- Fractions, decimals, and percentages

- Factors and multiples

- Absolute values and square roots

- Order of operations (PEMDAS)

2. Elementary Algebra:

- Basic algebraic expressions and equations

- Solving linear equations and inequalities

- Simplifying expressions, distributive property, and combining like terms

- Exponents and scientific notation

- Operations with polynomials

3. Intermediate Algebra:

- Quadratic equations (including factoring, completing the square, and quadratic formula)

- Systems of linear equations and inequalities

- Functions and their properties (domain, range, slope, etc.)

- Operations with radicals and rational expressions

- Complex numbers

4. Coordinate Geometry:

- Graphing points, lines, and linear equations

- Distance and midpoint formulas

- Slope-intercept form and point-slope form

- Graphing quadratic functions and parabolas

- Circles and their equations

5. Plane Geometry:

- Parallel and perpendicular lines

- Angles (complementary, supplementary, vertical, etc.)

- Triangles (sides, angles, congruence, similarity, Pythagorean theorem)

- Quadrilaterals (rectangles, parallelograms, rhombi, trapezoids, etc.)

- Circles (properties, area, circumference)

6. Trigonometry:

- Basic trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) and inverse trigonometric ratios

- Solving right triangles

- Trigonometric identities

- Radians and degrees

- Sine and cosine graphs

Make sure to review these concepts and practice problems from each area. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with the variety of questions you might encounter. Good luck with your preparations!

9 months ago

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