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ACT score for Johns Hopkins?

Hi everyone! I'm really interested in applying to Johns Hopkins, and I was wondering what a competitive ACT score for admission would be? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! It's always exciting to be considering colleges like Johns Hopkins. To answer your question about competitive ACT scores, it's essential to refer to the score range of admitted students. Typically, a score in the middle 50% range is considered competitive for admission. For Johns Hopkins, the middle 50% ACT score range for admitted students is around 34-35.

While this range indicates ACT scores commonly seen among admitted students, keep in mind that the admissions process at schools like Johns Hopkins is holistic, which means that they consider various aspects of your application. So, while having a competitive ACT score is important, it's also essential to focus on your coursework, grades, extracurricular involvement, essays, and recommendation letters. Even a perfect 36 won't get you in on its own.

On the flip side, if your score falls outside the middle 50% range, don't be too discouraged. Admissions committees still appreciate students' unique talents, perspectives, and experiences, and they take all components of your application into consideration. If you have notable strengths in other areas of your application, that might compensate, at least partially, for a slightly lower ACT score.

For example, an especially strong supplemental essay can help demonstrate your fit for Johns Hopkins. If you want some tips on how to tackle their current prompt, check out this blog post from CollegeVine:

However, if you have the opportunity to take the ACT again before applying and think you can improve your score, it could be beneficial to do so. At a school at selective as Johns Hopkins, the more gold stars you can put on your application, the better. Just be sure not to neglect other crucial aspects of your application while you're studying for the ACT!

Best of luck with your application, and I hope this information helps you with your college process!

9 months ago

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