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Loyola University Political Science

Hello everyone! I'm interested in majoring in political science at Loyola University. Could someone tell me about the quality of their program, the faculty, and possibly the resources available to students?

9 months ago

Hello! Loyola University's political science program is well-regarded. The program focuses on providing students with a strong foundation in the key subjects and skills necessary for careers in politics, government, law, or related fields. You can choose from a balanced mix of courses in American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory.

The faculty at Loyola are experienced, dedicated, and accomplished. Many of them have extensive backgrounds in research, policy-making, and public service, which means they can incorporate real-world applications to their lessons in the classroom. The faculty are also accessible to students, on a personal level as well as an academic one, which leads to an overall supportive environment.

Loyola University offers a variety of resources to political science students. Internships are an essential component of the program, and the department encourages students to participate in local, state, national, and even international internship opportunities. These internships give you the chance to apply what you have learned in the classroom and gain valuable experience in the political arena.

The program also provides opportunities for undergraduate research. In your junior or senior year, you may be eligible to participate in a year-long research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor, culminating in a presentation at an academic conference. There are also conferences where students can present research and participate in networking experiences with civic leaders, scholars, and political activists.

Loyola has several extracurricular options related to political science, such as the Model United Nations and the Young Democratic Socialists of America. These organizations further enrich the student experience by providing a space for students to engage in political discussions and debates, as well as the opportunity to become active in various political and social causes.

In summary, Loyola University's political science program offers a comprehensive education, experienced faculty, and a wide range of resources and opportunities for students to grow academically and professionally. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

9 months ago

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