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NCCU Computer Science: How's the program?

Hey guys, I've been considering NCCU as one of the schools for my college application list. Can anyone share their experiences with the computer science program at NCCU? What are the professors like? What are some unique opportunities that the program offers? Any info would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

I'm glad to hear that you're considering NCCU for your college application list! The computer science program at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) is generally seen as a solid choice, particularly for those who are interested in staying within the state or have a strong connection to the local community.

The professors in NCCU's computer science department are known to be accessible, experienced, and supportive, striking a good balance between theory and practical application. Additionally, the department has a nice mix of both seasoned professors and younger, dynamic faculty members, which can contribute to an engaging learning environment.

One of the unique aspects of NCCU's computer science program is its collaboration with nearby universities, such as Duke and North Carolina State University. This collaboration allows students to take advantage of resources, attend joint events, and even participate in shared research projects. This can help expand your network and expose you to a broader range of experiences.

Another highlight is the department's commitment to providing internships and research opportunities for its students. Many students have successfully landed internships with local tech companies and organizations, thanks in part to the department's strong relationships within the community. These experiences allow you to gain real-world skills and build your portfolio, which is essential no matter where you plan to work after graduation.

NCCU also has student-led tech clubs and organizations, such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student chapter, which hosts events, coding competitions, and workshops to enhance your experience and knowledge outside of the classroom.

While NCCU's computer science program may not boast the same prestige as some more well-known programs, it does offer a supportive learning environment and opportunities for hands-on experience. As with any program, your success in it will largely depend on your commitment to learning, your willingness to seek out opportunities, and your ability to build connections with professors and fellow students. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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