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Harvard's Virology Program?

Hey! Junior here. I've been really fascinated with virology lately, and I'm considering applying to Harvard because of their reputation in life sciences. Can anyone give me insights into the virology program and what the undergrad experience is like for students pursuing virology?

9 months ago

While Harvard doesn't specifically offer an undergraduate major in virology, they do have a strong life sciences program that can provide you with a solid foundation in this field. You can choose to major in Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) or Integrative Biology (IB), depending on your preferred area of focus.

The MCB track covers core topics in molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, and biochemistry, while the Integrative Biology track focuses on the interface of biology with other disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and computer science. Both tracks offer a strong foundation for pursuing virology, and you can take electives (or concentration courses) related to your interests.

In addition to coursework, there are ample opportunities for undergraduates to engage in research at Harvard. You can apply to labs that focus on virology, microbiology, immunology, or other related fields. In fact, many undergraduates at Harvard have the chance to work in labs of world-renowned researchers, where they can participate in cutting-edge projects. Additionally, you can participate in Harvard's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (HCRP), which helps connect students to research experiences and provides funding for 10-week summer research projects.

Moreover, the Harvard College Virology Club is an excellent way for students with an interest in virology to connect with like-minded peers and engage in outreach projects, seminars, and workshops. Through this club, you'll have the opportunity to network with professionals in the field, discuss research and career opportunities, and stay up-to-date on the latest findings in virology.

Overall, while Harvard doesn't offer a dedicated undergraduate virology program, it does provide a solid foundation in life sciences with a plethora of opportunities to dive deeper into virology through coursework, research, and extracurriculars. The experience you gain at Harvard can be a springboard for pursuing further education or a career in virology.

9 months ago

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