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Interior design at Endicott College?

Hello! I'm considering Endicott College for their interior design program, but I'm not sure if it's a strong program or not. Can anyone give me more information about the program and their experiences or opinions if they know about it? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! Endicott College's Interior Design program is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), which is an important point to consider when looking at the strength of the program. CIDA-accredited schools have met high standards in terms of curriculum, faculty, and facilities.

The program at Endicott College emphasizes creative thinking, technical proficiency, and communication skills. Students work closely with their professors within a studio environment, allowing them to receive hands-on experience and individualized guidance throughout their projects. Moreover, the program places a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly design practices, which is a valuable aspect in today's design industry.

One aspect that distinguishes Endicott College's Interior Design program from others is its internship program. They require all students to complete three internships during their time at Endicott before graduating. This provides students with the opportunity to gain professional experience and expand their network in the industry, making them more competitive in the job market after graduation.

Keep in mind that gauging the strength of a program can be subjective, and it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and career goals. It's always a good idea to visit the campus, get a feel for the learning environment, and speak with current students and faculty in the program. Moreover, reach out to alumni to hear about their experiences and post-graduation success.

I hope this information is helpful in your decision-making process, and best of luck in your college search!

9 months ago

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