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Experience with public health major at UC Davis?

Hey guys! I'm thinking about majoring in public health and I have UC Davis on my list. For those who have experience with their public health program, can you share your thoughts? How are the classes, professors, and extracurricular opportunities? Thank you!

9 months ago

Hey there! UC Davis actually doesn't have a public health major, but they do have a minor in the field which is known for being solid. Here's some information that might be useful:

Classes and Professors: The public health curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation across several disciplines, such as epidemiology, environmental health, and health policy. Many students have noted that the classes can be rigorous but that they acquire a solid grasp of the field as a result, even without a full major. Professors are known to be knowledgeable and passionate, and bring real-world experiences into the classroom. Additionally, UC Davis offers several research opportunities which allow you to dig deeper into specific areas of the discipline.

Extracurricular Opportunities: Even though there isn't a dedicated public health major available, UC Davis has a wealth of extracurricular opportunities for students interested in the field. For instance, you can get involved in various clubs and organizations specifically tailored to public health, such as the Public Health Sciences Club. The club provides a great way to network with fellow students and engage in community outreach programs. There's also the possibility of finding internships in public health around the Davis or Sacramento area, which can give you valuable practical experience.

If you're not completely sure whether public health is the right path for you, UC Davis is a great choice, as you could major in something else and explore your interest in public health through the minor. If you then decide to pursue a career or graduate studies in the field, you should still be well-prepared thanks to the solid foundation and extracurricular opportunities UC Davis offers.

Alternatively, if you decide you do want to major in public health, and don't want to go too far away from UC Davis, UC Berkeley does offer a public health major, which is extremely well-regarded. Finally, if you want some tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance at either of these schools, regardless of your major, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle the UC application essays:

Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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