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Are 1250 PSAT scores impressive?

Hi, I recently got my PSAT results and scored a 1250, but I'm unsure if it's an impressive score. Is it something to be proud of? And does it give me any insight into how well I might perform on my SATs?

10 months ago

While a 1250 PSAT score is a solid achievement, it may not be considered "impressive" when compared to scores of students applying to highly competitive colleges. However, you should still be proud of your score, as it indicates you have a good foundation in the skills tested on the PSAT.

When it comes to understanding how this score might translate to the SAT, the conversion is not 1-to-1, but it is close. An 1250 on the PSAT is roughly equivalent to an 1350 on the SAT. Keep in mind that the SAT tests similar skills but may include some more complex content, so it's important to continue studying and preparing before taking the SAT.

To maximize your chances of success on the SAT, consider using your PSAT scores to identify areas in which you can improve and focusing on those specific skills. Utilize resources like Khan Academy, which offers free SAT prep resources, to help you practice and increase your understanding of the material.

In the end, while your PSAT score is not really an important factor in college admissions and might not offer you significant advantages in the application process, it still provides you with valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses. By working to improve, you can ultimately increase your SAT scores and boost your college application, which is indeed something to be proud of.

10 months ago

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