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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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WKU student population

Hi there! I'm interested in Western Kentucky University and I'd like to know how many students attend there. Can anyone provide an estimate of the student body size? Any insights into the campus atmosphere would be great too!

9 months ago

Western Kentucky University (WKU) has a relatively moderate-sized student body, with approximately 20,000 students enrolled each year, including both undergraduate and graduate students. Keep in mind that these numbers can fluctuate over the years.

As for the campus atmosphere, WKU is known for its beautiful and hilly campus located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The campus is well-maintained with modern facilities and green spaces for students to relax outside of academic hours. Despite being a moderately-sized university, WKU fosters a strong sense of community, and students can easily get to know each other through various clubs and organizations available on campus.

There is a diverse range of extracurricular activities and opportunities to get involved, which can vary from academics, sports, and the arts. Many students have praised the university for its welcoming community, strong support system, and the close relationships students can form with faculty members. In general, students at WKU find the atmosphere to be friendly, engaging, and conducive to personal and academic growth.

9 months ago

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