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SAT: 720 math
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Stevens Institute of Technology computer science ranking?

Hey guys! I was looking into Stevens Institute of Technology and I'm curious about their computer science program. Can someone fill me in on how their computer science program ranks compared to other colleges? Thanks!

9 months ago

Sure! According to U.S. News & World Report, Stevens Institute of Technology's computer science program is ranked #74 among all computer science programs in the United States (as of 2021).

While this ranking may not place Stevens' computer science program in the very top tier of the nation's best programs, it is still considered a reputable and solid program that prepares students well for careers in the CS field. Stevens Institute of Technology has strong industry connections and a solid reputation for producing graduates who find successful placements in well-paying jobs. Additionally, the location of the school in Hoboken, New Jersey provides access to numerous internships and job opportunities in New York City, which is just across the Hudson River.

Keep in mind that rankings aren't everything, and you should also consider factors such as program offerings, faculty-to-student ratio, on-campus research opportunities, and personal preferences in terms of campus culture and location. Do some more research into the program specifics and schedule a campus visit or attend virtual sessions when possible to get a better sense of what the Stevens Institute of Technology computer science program can offer you, personally as well as academically. Good luck!

9 months ago

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