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Financial Aid at the University of Scranton?

Hi, I'm interested in the University of Scranton, but I'm trying to figure out the financial aid situation. Does anyone have any insight on how their financial aid works and if they're known to be generous? Thank you!

9 months ago

The University of Scranton has a reputation for providing financial aid to a substantial percentage of its students. In fact, over 90% of undergraduate students at the university receive some form of financial aid, either through need-based or merit-based aid.

To give you an idea of the merit awards available, which are awarded based on academic achievement and sometimes demonstrated need as well, there are the Presidential Scholarships, which cover the full cost of tuition. There are also the Dean's Scholarships, which offer an average award of $27,500, and the Loyola Scholarships, which offer $25,000 in aid, on average. Finally, Faber Scholarships have a $22,500 average award.

For need-based aid, the University of Scranton works with federal and state aid programs, and also provides institutional aid. To be considered, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which will provide you with an estimated Student Aid Index (SAI) that determines your eligibility for various aid programs. The university uses this information to create a financial aid package tailored to your needs, which may include scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities, and loans.

In order to maximize your chances of receiving aid, make sure to complete the FAFSA as early as possible and accurately. Being prompt will allow the University of Scranton to review your application thoroughly and determine your eligibility for the different available aid programs. Some aid may also be awarded on a first come, first served basis, so applying early will ensure you're considered for all possibilities.

Finally, don't hesitate to research and apply for external scholarships that might be applicable to you, as these can also help relieve financial burdens.

In summary, the University of Scranton is known to be generous with financial aid, particularly with merit-based scholarships. These scholarships can be competitive, though, so to ensure you're in the best position to receive aid, submit your FAFSA as soon as possible, and explore both internal and external scholarship opportunities. Good luck!

9 months ago

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