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COD Online Courses: Which are worth taking?

Hey there! I'm thinking about taking some online courses offered by College of DuPage. Anyone out there taken any online courses from them? How was your experience? I'm particularly interested in their intro courses.

9 months ago

Hi! It's great to hear that you're interested in taking online courses at College of DuPage (COD). While I haven't personally taken courses at COD, I can offer some guidance on how to determine which courses might be worth taking.

1. Align with your interests and future goals: Before selecting a course, consider how it relates to your academic or career interests. If you're looking to fulfill general education requirements, then intro courses in various subjects might be a good choice. On the other hand, if you already have some sense of your specific academic interests, you might want to look into courses in those areas. The more relevant a course is to your interests and goals, the more worthwhile it will be!

2. Check for transferability: If you plan on transferring credit from COD to another institution, make sure the courses you take will transfer. You can usually find this information on the college's website, or by talking to an academic advisor at your target institution.

3. Review course evaluations and professor ratings: Look up course evaluations or professor ratings (such as on RateMyProfessors) to get an idea of student experiences and the quality of the instructor. Remember that these reviews are subjective, and each student's personal learning style aligns differently with a given professor's teaching style, but they can still provide insights into the course material and overall experience.

4. Consult with your academic advisor: If you're currently enrolled in another college, it's a good idea to talk to your academic advisor to ensure that the COD courses fit well with your current program and future plans.

5. Look at the syllabus: If possible, try to get a hold of the course syllabus. This document can give you an idea of the topics covered, workload, and expectations, which can help you determine if the course is a good fit for you.

Ultimately, which online courses are worth taking at COD will depend on your unique interests and goals. Make sure to do your research, read reviews, and consult with advisors to make the best decision for you! Good luck!

9 months ago

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