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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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St. Louis University Acceptance Rate?

I'm thinking about applying to St. Louis University and wanted to get an idea of their acceptance rate. Does anyone here know how competitive it is to gain admission? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

St. Louis University (SLU) is a private research university located in St. Louis, Missouri. As of the most recent data available, the acceptance rate at SLU is around 85%. It's important to keep in mind that acceptance rates can fluctuate from year to year based on various factors, such as the applicant pool and the number of available spots in the incoming class, but overall you should have a decent shot of getting in.

While the acceptance rate can give you a general idea of the competitiveness, remember that each applicant is evaluated individually, and your unique qualifications may impact your admission chances. So, focus on putting together the strongest application possible, and good luck!

2 months ago

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