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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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CU Boulder prerequisites?

Hi! I'm considering applying to CU Boulder and I was wondering if they have any specific prerequisites or recommended coursework for prospective students. Any guidance would be super helpful! Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! CU Boulder doesn't have any specific prerequisites for admission, but it does have some recommended coursework to better prepare you as an applicant. By completing these courses, you can demonstrate your academic strength and increase your chances of getting accepted.

The recommended coursework for CU Boulder includes:

1. English: 4 years

2. Math: 4 years (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and an additional course beyond Algebra II - typically Pre-Calculus or higher)

3. Social Science: 3 years, including U.S. History

4. Science: 3 years (one lab-based science course such as Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)

5. World Language: 2 years of the same language

6. Academic Electives: 2 years

Meeting the recommended coursework is not mandatory, but it does help showcase your readiness for college-level studies and gives you a competitive edge. It's a good idea to make sure you complete the courses as they align with your intended major and interests. For example, if you plan on majoring in a STEM field, taking additional science and math courses can be beneficial.

When applying, CU Boulder will conduct a comprehensive review of your application, taking into account your coursework, grades, extracurricular involvement, and other factors. Make sure to keep up with your academics and emphasize how you can contribute to the university community through your activities and talents.

Best of luck with your application to CU Boulder!

9 months ago

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