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Computer Science at Portland State vs UMGC

Hey everyone! So, I'm looking into computer science programs and I came across two schools: Portland State University and University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). Can anyone provide some insight on the strengths and weaknesses of each program? Like, which one has a better reputation in the industry, more opportunities for internships, and what's the campus life like?

9 months ago

Both Portland State University (PSU) and University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) offer computer science programs, but they have different strengths and focuses which might align better with your preferences. Here's a brief comparison of the two programs:


While both schools have reputable Computer Science programs, PSU seems to have a slightly stronger reputation in the industry. PSU is known for its research-oriented approach and partnership with tech companies in the area. UMGC, on the other hand, leans more towards applied learning and is particularly popular among working professionals and military personnel due to its flexibility.

Internship Opportunities:

PSU has a strong presence in the Portland tech scene which can provide excellent internship and networking opportunities. Many tech companies in "Silicon Forest" (the tech hub of Portland) offer internships to PSU students, which can lead to potential job opportunities after graduation. UMGC, being an online-focused institution, may have fewer direct connections to on-campus internships, but their flexible online learning format may be advantageous if you need to maintain a job or have other commitments.

Campus Life:

PSU is situated in downtown Portland, which offers a lively urban experience with diverse food options, cultural events, and outdoor recreational activities nearby. The campus has a mix of traditional on-campus students and commuters. UMGC, on the other hand, is designed primarily for online learning, so campus life there is not quite the same. While they do have a physical campus in Adelphi, MD, most UMGC students attend classes online and the sense of community may be less pronounced than at a traditional campus.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a more traditional college experience with a focus on research and strong local networking opportunities, PSU would likely be a better fit. If you need a more flexible learning experience that suits a life with work or other commitments, and access to an online support community, then UMGC might be the better option for you. Ultimately, it depends on your preferences and priorities, and it's essential to research each program further to find the best match for your goals.

9 months ago

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