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What is the graduation experience like at LIU Post?

Does anyone know what the graduation process at LIU Post is like? I'm curious about the ceremonies, the atmosphere, and other related events that happen during graduation. Thanks!

10 months ago

I can give you a general idea of what the graduation experience at LIU Post is like, keeping in mind that experiences may vary from year to year.

Graduation at LIU Post, like most universities, is a celebration of students' achievements, and the atmosphere tends to be jubilant and festive. The commencement ceremony usually takes place on the campus, with friends and family members attending to support the graduating students. Particular schools within the university often have their own smaller ceremonies, before a larger event with all graduating students.

During the ceremony, or ceremonies, speeches by the university president, select faculty members, and distinguished guests are delivered. There may also be one or more student speakers who share their thoughts and experiences throughout their academic journey at LIU Post. Graduating students receive their diplomas and are recognized for their academic achievements, including any special achievements, honors, or awards.

In addition to the main commencement ceremony, there are often other related events and celebrations leading up to graduation day. These can include senior student events, recognition and award ceremonies for individual programs or departments, and receptions hosted by colleges or schools within the university.

The atmosphere at LIU Post's graduation events is generally marked by a strong sense of community and pride. This feeling stems from the hard work that students, faculty, and staff have invested in the students' academic growth and culminates in the achievements of the graduating class. Overall, it's an exciting and memorable experience for the graduates and those who share in celebrating their accomplishments.

10 months ago

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